Primary Obsessions by Charles Demers

Mental health and its often misunderstood impact on the affected individual/s is brought under the microscope in this tragic murder plot which sees the troubled Sanjay stigmatized by common misconceptions, seemingly fuelled by intellectual apathy, and as a result becomes compartmentalised into a metaphorical and literal dark room, with no exit……… The driven and indefatigable … Continue reading “Primary Obsessions by Charles Demers”

Pressure Chamber by Nir Hezroni

A calculating psychopath, with a messiah complex, emerges from the shadows of Tel Aviv and unsuspectingly provokes a (sub-conscious) battle of wills between himself and a forensic scientist whose professional focus occasionally blurs as she seeks to confront the personal demons that inhabit the darkest recesses of her childhood memories. While awake Daphne relentlessly bears … Continue reading “Pressure Chamber by Nir Hezroni”